lunedì 22 ottobre 2012

Project Aims

This project aims to take pupils into a musical trip across Europe. 

 Music is an international language and a bridge over borders. Strangers can easily get in contact thanks to a song or a melody. By studying music, students will compare their cultural background through their reflections on the diverse nature of music: a common language which reflects the setting of their cultures, their past, their present and their relationships. Pupils will communicate developing a greater sense of commonality and a shared sense of experience with other European teenagers, improving their knowledge and deepening their curiosity. They will learn from their differences and become more aware of their common points. 

Musical practice will also be developed as a learning tool since playing together implies effort, discipline and  listening skills to reach harmony. The European orchestra appears in this perpesctive as a relevant mean to develop social and learning abilities. 

Further music and its history will allow us to introduce themes (freedom, peace, unity, melting of cultures) that will help the pupils understand the origins and the development of the E.U. Besides, the musicians who play different instruments while playing the same melody are similar to the E.U. countries looking for cooperation despite their differences. 
It also allows us to investigate the history of our continent by studying different kinds of music, the way they appeared and evolved from folkloric music to modern or from world music to classical music

Now we're ready and eager to start...
                                                      Enjoy our music


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