giovedì 21 marzo 2013



                    vi invio alcune indicazioni che riguardano la struttura musicale dell’inno “ALL IS POSSIBLE… “

Il brano, che segue lo schema tradizionale della canzone, è così organizzato:

  1. INTRO STRUMENTALE prima con pianoforte e poi con tutta la band strumentale.
  2. PRIMA STROFA cantata in tonalità di Amaj.
  3. PRIMO RITORNELLO cantato in Cmaj.
  4. SECONDA STROFA cantata
  6. 8 BATTUTE di RAP che dovranno inventare gli alunni italiani (in italiano)
  7. 8 BATTUTE di RAP che inventeranno gli alunni francesi (in lingua francese)
  8. 8 BATTUTE di RAP che inventeranno gli alunni irlandesi (in inglese).

Il testo inventato dagli alunni, anche se breve, potrebbe parlare del piacere di far musica insieme oppure descrivere immagini, pensieri ….. in libertà.

Spero che questo materiale vi possa esser utile.

A presto

Dear friends,
I send you some information regarding the
musical structure of the hymn "ALL IS POSSIBLE ..."

The song, which follows the traditional pattern of the song, is organized as follows:
1. Intro INSTRUMENTAL piano first and then with all the instrumental band.
2. 1
st STANZA sung in the key of Amaj.
3. 1
st REFRAIN sung in CMAJ.
4. 2
nd STANZA sung
5. 2
nd REFRAIN sung
6. 8 BEATS RAP that will have to invent the Italian students (in Italian)
7. 8 BEATS RAP that will invent the French students (in French)
8. 8 BEATS RAP invented by the Irish pupils (in English).
9. 3

The text invented by pupils, although brief, could tell about the pleasure of playing music together or describing images, thoughts ..... in freedom.

I hope this notes will be useful to you.
See you soon

( Hymn Comenius Project ) Mauro Martin

All is possible if we play now
Different people can meet this way.
It is possible to sing a song
Music is the greatest way we found.

Music’s like a wave
All together we can ride it.
We like swimming inside
Like little fish in a wide golden pond.

What about playing here
In a great new band.
Shall we live a magic dream
What about flying here
On the music that we made
This is how we can have
New friends.

We aren’t different and we can start now
We can sing together on new notes.
We aren’t different so please don’t give up
Looking for a way to play and smile.

Music’s like a game
All together we can play it.
We like having fun
Let’s play together in a joyful great team !

What about playing here
In a great new band.
Shall we live a magic dream
What about flying here
On the music that we made
This is how we can reach
New friends.

………………… rap italiano
………………… rap francese
………………… rap irlandese

What about playing here
In a great new band.
Shall we live a magic dream
What about flying here
On the music that we made
This is how we can reach
New friends.

DOWNLOAD the MP3 file

sabato 16 marzo 2013

St Patrick's Day Greetings

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all our Comenius friends from everyone in Tirellan.

mercoledì 6 marzo 2013


Cari amici,

scusatemi del ritardo con cui vi invio gli spartiti dei brani che suoneremo insieme ma in questo periodo abbiamo avuto tanti adempimenti di fine quadrimestre: ma adesso e’ finita e finalmente si torna alla musica!

Dopo aver consultato le mie colleghe di musica, ho deciso di proporvi, per il nostro meeting di Aprile, questi due brani tratti dal film “The Mission “ (1987).

Con la sua bellissima colonna sonora Ennio Morricone ha vinto il Golden Globe, insieme allo scenografo Robert Bolt.

I brani sono : FALLS e RIVER .

Ve li propongo entrambi perché possono esser eseguiti come I° tempo e II° tempo di un'unica immaginaria composizione.

Ho scritto la partitura per flauti, metallofono/glockenspielle, percussioni e pianoforte.

I miei alunni, che non vedono l’ora di suonare insieme ai vostri ragazzi, accompagneranno anche con tastiere, basso elettrico, chitarre: sarà sicuramente bellissimo!

Spero che i brani vi piacciano …e comunque potete tranquillamente adattare, modificare, inserire altri strumenti ecc…..


Dearest  friends,
we apologize for the delay in sending the musical scores of the songs that we will play together during the meeting in Italy, but we have been busy with the end of the school term. Now it's over and we're finally back to the music!

After having consulted my music colleagues, I decided to propose these two songs taken from the movie "The Mission" (1987).

With its beautiful soundtrack Ennio Morricone has won the Golden Globe, along with the set designer Robert Bolt, furthermore this soundtrack was generally considered a acknowledged master of Movie Music.
These songs are: RIVER and FALLS.

I offer them both because they can be performed as Ist and 2nd time of a single imaginary composition.

I wrote the musical score for flute, glockenspiel, percussion and piano.

My students, who are keen to play with your pupils, will accompany with keyboards, electric bass and guitars. The result will surely be amazing!

I hope you enjoy these songs and in any case you can adapt, modify or add any other instruments ..... as you like it !
