venerdì 14 marzo 2014

Presentations on Irish Singers

Queste sono le ricerche sui cantanti irlandesi, svolte dai nostri alunni per l'ultima mobilità a Galway.
These researches were made by our pupils for the last mobility in Galway.

The first is on Enya an Irish singer, instrumentalist, and composer who has sold millions of albums. She created a distinctive style that more closely resembled new age rather than the folk and Celtic music that provided her initial influences.
Made by Marco Presot & Nicola Pilat

The second is on Sinéad O'Connor who ranked among the most distinctive and controversial pop music stars of the 1990s. O'Connor irrevocably altered the image of women in rock; railing against  stereotypes simply by asserting herself not as a sex object but as a serious artist, she kick-started a revolt which led the way for performers ranging from Courtney Love to Alanis Morissette.

     By Chiara Borean, Isabella Maccorin & Francesca Coral     

Sabina & The Italian Team

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