mercoledì 30 ottobre 2013

French songs presentation

Hi, Dear Comenius friends !
Here is a presentation of the songs French pupils have studied for the next Comenius Concert.



Picture a man with big blue eyes, a charming smile who’s wearing a boater and you can see  Charles Trenet. His 60-year-old career was made of creativity, fantasy, poetry and swing. In the song entitled Ménilmontant composed in 1938, he nostalgically evokes the neighborhood where he grew up. It’s a small village near Paris where he appears to have left his heart.

Le sud or The South

The South is a place that looks like Louisiana or Italy. There is laundry hanging out on the terrace, there are children playing on the lawn. It’s a good place to live in where we’d like time to last longer. Nino Ferrer, a song-writer and a composer born in Genoa in Italy wrote the lyrics of this song in 1973 and used         Brazilian melodies to compose the music.

Couleur Café
Serge Gainsbourg was a major song-writer and composer in the French Pop Music universe. All along his career, he was inspired by different mucical trends such as rock, reggae, classical music and jazz and he made the French language sound better than anyone. In the song Couleur café, composed in 1964, charm and caffeine mix together on an afro-Cuban beat.

La vie en rose

Edith Piaf is considered as the archetypal French singer and even 50 years after her death, she is still the most popular French singer all over the world. La vie en rose, composed in 1945, is THE love song and it’s rapidly become a standard. Famous artists like Louis Armstrong, Grace Jones, Donna Summer, and more recently Emilie Simon or even Iggy Pop have reinterpreted her songs in many different styles.

Les Champs Elysées (no translation needed but a little precision: it is the most famous boulevard in Paris)

The song Les Champs Elysées was created by Joe Dassin in 1969. As many other pop songs from this period, it is adapted from an English song : Waterloo Road in 1968. The French lyrics were composed by Pierre Delanoë. The song evokes the carefree state of mind of the post-May-68 era. Everything is possible on les Champs Elysées : Finding what we’re looking for, playing music, dancing and even finding love!

Greeting from the French Team
See you soon !

martedì 29 ottobre 2013

PRESENTING Françoise Hardy

 We're happy to introduce our PRESENTATION of Francoise Hardy trough the blog.
The research was made by Enrico & Nicola, pupils of the Istituto Comprensivo of Fiume Veneto for the next mobility to Lyon.

                  Enjoy the video,
                  Sabina for the Italian Team

Enrico e Nicola , alunni del nostro Istituto Comprensivo, sono gli autori della ricerca su Francoise Hardy famosa cantautrice POP francese degli anni 60.
La canzone "Tous les garconnes et les filles" sarà presentata dagli alunni italiani durante il concerto a Lione.

domenica 27 ottobre 2013


 Hi Comenius friends,
 it's a pleasure
 to introduce the new
the fab fifteen
ready for the European Tour !



                                                 OUR  FLUTES

 LEONARDO and SIMONE                             ELENA and DORIS                                     ASIA, SIMONE and    DAVIDE



                                   GLOCKENSPIEL    DANIELE

We started to practice the songs we'll play while in Lione with Teacher Martin, further we'll continue to study them in French for our Christmas Concert, developing this task  further in the school curriculum.
We have chosen to propose a song by Francoise Hardy: "Tous les Garconnes et les Filles" and we also hope to be able to present to the French public a piece of Michel Polnareff: "La poupée qui fait non".

Greetings from the Italian Team

martedì 22 ottobre 2013



Tous les garçons et les filles

Francoise Hardy, cantautrice francese, esordisce con la canzone Tous les garçons et les filles scritta nei suoi anni dell'adolescenza, e pubblicata la prima volta nel 1962.
La canzone, dolce e vagamente malinconica, racconta i sentimenti di una giovane che non ha ancora conosciuto l'amore.Ebbe molto successo in Italia e in diversi paesi europei.
La versione italiana, con il titolo “Quelli della mia età”, è stata proposta sia dalla stessa Hardy sia da Catherine Spaak; entrambe le versioni sono entrate nella classifica dei dischi più venduti in Italia. La canzone divenne la bandiera del disagio adolescenziale e finì col vendere più di due milioni di copie in tutto il mondo. Françoise Hardy divenne uno dei simboli della generazione yèyè, termine usato per definire una moda musicale francese che ha avuto un largo seguito popolare, soprattutto tra gli adolescenti, negli anni tra il 1959 e il 1968.

Tous les garçons et les filles

Francoise Hardy, a French singer and songwriter, begins her career with the song
Tous les garçons et les filles written in her youth, and released in 1962.
The song, sweet and vaguely gloomy, tells the feelings of a young woman who did not know love. It was really a great success in Italy as well in other European countries.The Italian version with the title "Those of my age", has been proposed by Francoise and by Catherine Spaak, both versions were included on the list of most famous music albums sold in Italy. The song became the symbol of adolescent uneasiness and sold more than two million copies worldwide.
Françoise Hardy became a symbol of the generation Yeye, a term used to define a stylish French music that has had a large popular following, especially among adolescents, in the years between 1959 and 1968.

 La poupée qui fait non

Michel Polnareff è un cantautore francese di origine russo-ebraica all'apice della carriera tra la metà degli anni sessanta fino all'inizio degli anni ottanta conosciuto per il suo carattere "eccentrico".  


La poupée qui fait non, "La bambolina che fa no, no, no" del 1966, figura tra le sue canzoni più note ed è stata adattata in varie lingue. Il contenuto del testo, molto semplice, parla del corteggiamento di una ragazza che non ne vuole sapere del suo interlocutore maschile che tuttavia non desiste dal desiderio di conquistarla.
'La poupée qui fait non', è un brano volutamente semplice dal punto di vista musicale. La sequenza di accordi è talmente facile che La poupée diventa il brano più strimpellato dell’anno (1966) da tutti gli aspiranti chitarristi d’Europa.
Eppure, la canzone si distingue dai tanti successi dell’ondata ye-ye in voga nell’epoca, se non altro per il sound decisamente più internazionale.

La poupée qui fait non
Michel Polnareff is a French singer of Russian-Jewish origin, who was very popular from the mid-1960s until the early 1980s and was mainly known for his atypical funky character.La poupée qui fait non, "The Doll That Says No" in 1966 became an immediate success and is among his best known songs, further has been adapted into various languages in the following decades. The content of the text is quite simple and tells about a girl who doesn't want to know of a male partner, who on the other side is very attracted and cannot can not give up on her.
'La poupée qui fait non' is deliberately a simple song from a musical perspective. The chord sequence is so easy that La poupée becomes the most strummed song in 1966 for all aspiring guitarists all over Europe. Yet, the song distinguishes itself from the many fashionable ye-ye successes for the sound much more international.

Sabina for the Italian team

lunedì 14 ottobre 2013


FEDEZ it's  our favourite singer ! 
These are his songs: 
These are his videos on youtube  and the official website:
 Federico Lucia, born 15 October 1989 in Milan, known by his stage name Fedez, is an Italian rapper.
In 2011, he released the albums Penisola che non c'è and "Il mio primo disco da venduto",
 released as free digital downloads. 
His first major studio album, "Sig. Brainwash"  - L'arte di accontentare, was released in 2013, and it debuted at number one on the Italian Albums Chart.
The album, which spawned three singles, including the top ten hit "Cigno nero" featuring  Francesca Michielin, was later certified platinum by the Federation of the Italian Music Industry. He won in 2013 the MTV Europe Music Awards.


martedì 1 ottobre 2013

Tirellan's Favourite Singer 2013

We conducted a survey in the three 4th classes to find out who is our favourite singer. When all the votes were counted One Direction emerged as the favourite. One Direction are an English-Irish pop boy band based in London, consisting of Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. Niall Horan is from Ireland.The X Factor in 2010. They finished third in the competition.
They were formed during the seventh series of the British televised singing competition
One Direction's two albums Up All Night and Take Me Home, released in 2011 and 2012 respectively, broke several records, topped the charts of most major markets, and generated hit singles, which include "What Makes You Beautiful" and "Live While We're Young".
In August 2013 they released One Direction: This Is Us (also referred to as 1D3D),  a 3D concert film centering on the band. The official track from the movie is Best Song Ever. They have just announced the release of their third album, Midnight Memories, out Nov. 25.